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Wednesday 25th September, 5.30-8.00pm

Join us after-hours and gain a fascinating insight into the exhibition from those who made it happen!

Find out from Curator, Kate Stoddart, why certain artists were chosen and how their pieces relate to Stubbs’ work. The event will also see us ‘in conversation’ with featured artists, Melanie Manchot and Kathleen Herbert, who will be discussing their inspiration and how their pieces link to the exhibition, with an opportunity to ask questions at the end.

In-Person: £25.00 (Includes welcome drink and access to the exhibition)
Accompanying Carer: Free
Online: £6.50

Additional Information

  • After-hours access to the exhibition: From 5.30pm
  • Artists in Conversation and Q&A: 6.30-7.30pm


The event itself will take place on the ground floor of the House which is fully accessible to visitors. However, due to the age and nature of the House, there is no disabled access to the upper floors which includes the venue for the Beneath the Surface | George Stubbs & Contemporary Artists Exhibition

Help Support Wentworth Woodhouse Preservation Trust

Remember, any money made from our exhibitions goes straight into the Wentworth Woodhouse Preservation Trust and contributes towards the restoration of this magnificent House & Gardens.

Image Credits: Melanie Manchot, Cornered Star, (2018) 4K single channel video, Black & White, stereo sound, 6min 10sec. © Melanie Manchot | Kathleen Herbert, Stable, (2017) super 16mm film, 8 mins © Kathleen Herbert